Via Ferrata degli Alpini alla Punta Charrà

Route: Climbing grade Moderatelt, Difficult, Gap 850 meters, estimated time 7-8 h.

Punta Charrà m 2843

The so-called via ferrata degli Alpini (the via ferrata of the Italian alpine troops), is an armed mountain route that crosses  the North mountainside of Punta Charrà for over one kilometer: from Passo della Mulattiera, 2,412 meters, to Passo della Sanità, 2629 meters. It cuts half of the mount face with natural ledges and exposed areas carved in the rock. The routes unwind through a naturally rich environment, alternating thick fir-woods with green pasture areas. Higher up fortifications remains are still visible. Quite few panoramic views can be admired when climbing the path. This route was originally a war route built by the alpine troops before 1940 to facilitate the displacement of troops and supplies during the war. The route was restored, for tourist purposes, by the alpine troops of the Susa Battalion in 1975. In 1994 also the Mountain Guides in collaboration with the Alpine Rescue Team and the CAI (Italian Alpine Club) re-established the path. Today the route is pretty much abandoned and therefore we recommend it only to experts that could climb also with no safety rope. We hope that in the future the general government understands the historical importance of this route for tourist purpose and therefore work for its valorization.

Description: from Beaulard – take the carriage road up to the village of Puys and proceed along the dirt road until Colletto del Colomion, nearly 2.000 meters. We suggest leaving the car here. Walk along road until Passo della Mulattiera (1 hour 30 minutes). Take the steep shortcut (signpost) above the small barracks to reach the beginning of the via ferrata. Climb few ledged until you reach Passo della Sanità (45 minutes) from where it is possible to climb to the peak of the Punta Charrà (2.844 meters) following the east arête. At first follow the path track on the grassy ridge, and then proceed on the rocky ridge going around a series of sharp projections of the rock by the south side. The route is easy but it requires some precaution and experience with the mountain (1hour). Way down: Take the same route, or alternatively once at Passo della Sanità turn around Punta Charrà and enjoy the varied and interesting route that we recommend. If you take the second option, descend a little on the opposite side (Vallon des Acles) along the path tracks that go horizontally and eventually cut through the large sediment flows on the south side, up to the army barracks in ruins by Col des Acles. From here climb Passo della Mulattiera. The via ferrata is technically not particularly difficult, but it is a long route in a high mount, therefore it requires training and special caution due to its exposure, rockfalls, weather conditions and so forth. At the beginning of the summer it is still possible to come across defiles covered with snow, in this case the use of the ice axe might be needed to go through them. The route, although rather easy, might be found excessively hard for those with no previous experiences in the mountains. If you are not totally confident in you skills, we strongly suggest the help of an Mountain Guide.